Note Menu

To open the Note Menu right click on a note.

Edit Edits the note. Also available by left double clicking on the note.
Copy Copies the note to the clipboard in the following formats: plain text, bitmap and layout (layout is only pasteable by ATnotes).
Paste Pastes text and/or layout from the clipboard to the note.
Delete Deletes the note.
Print Prints the note.
Minimize Minimizes the note to the first line of text.
Restore Restores the note to fit the whole text.
Format Lines Breaks long lines into new lines to fit the note size ratio specified in the Various section of the Settings.
Open Opens URLs (, e-mail addresses ( or file shortcuts (c:\sample.txt) contained in the note using the associated program. If the path of a file shortcut contains blanks, you must put the file shortcut between double quotation marks.
Layout New Note Creates a new note with the layout of this note.
Layout Paste Note Pastes a new note from the clipboard with the layout of this note.
Layout List Assigns a saved layout to the note. Layouts can be saved in the Layout section of the Settings.
Folder List Assigns a folder to the note.
Folder Edit Edits the folders in the Folder List.
 Hide Hides or shows the note. A checkmark is displayed if the note is hidden.
 Alarm Sets or removes an Alarm. A checkmark is displayed if an alarm is set for the note.
 Send To Sends the note to another computer in the local network.
Always on Top Toggles the option to keep the note on top of other windows.
 Settings Defines the appearance of the note in the Layout section of the Settings.
Received From Computer name, name of sender and date/time if the note has been received from another computer.